What’s the big deal about the milk teeth?
How do cavities occur in teeth?
In more scientific terms…
Dental plaque is a dense invisible layer of bacteria that is attached to teeth and initiates cavity formation. Dense layer of dental plaque accumulates as the surfaces of teeth become rough and irregular with the initiation of cavity formation which further causes deepening of cavity. This also makes cleaning of teeth difficult by brushing. Hence it is a vicious cycle…plaque causes cavities and cavities attract more plaque which further causes more cavities and deepens the existing ones!
For any suggestions/queries you can contact me on drshrutideshmukh@gmail.com
Milk teeth are not only important for child’s present and future dental health, but also linked to overall health. HOW???
So, preserve them well until they fall naturally!
The most common dental problem in children is CAVITIES! (also called dental caries or tooth decay in the dental terminology). OVER 50% CHILDREN IN INDIA HAVE TOOTH DECAY (National Health Survey 2004). Now that’s a big number…way more than our perception!
How do cavities occur in teeth?
In more scientific terms…
Dental plaque is a dense invisible layer of bacteria that is attached to teeth and initiates cavity formation. Dense layer of dental plaque accumulates as the surfaces of teeth become rough and irregular with the initiation of cavity formation which further causes deepening of cavity. This also makes cleaning of teeth difficult by brushing. Hence it is a vicious cycle…plaque causes cavities and cavities attract more plaque which further causes more cavities and deepens the existing ones!
But are cavities in milk teeth that harmful and need so much attention? They are anyway going to fall!!
The answer is YES! Cavities of milk teeth have a number of harmful effects that show up in many but not in all children.
In addition to the above, other complaints like pain in nearby areas like ears or throat, weight loss due to less intake of food, repeated cold and fever and overall diminished oral health related quality of life may happen due cavities of milk teeth in children.
The answer is YES! Cavities of milk teeth have a number of harmful effects that show up in many but not in all children.
In addition to the above, other complaints like pain in nearby areas like ears or throat, weight loss due to less intake of food, repeated cold and fever and overall diminished oral health related quality of life may happen due cavities of milk teeth in children.
So, if cavities of milk teeth are so bad, can we just prevent them from occurring? How to take care of children’s teeth at home??...next blog
For any suggestions/queries you can contact me on drshrutideshmukh@gmail.com
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